I adore this book and have had it in paper for years. I picked up the audio on sale sometime last year (2 years ago?) and finally listened to it. Great narrator and it's just as good as I remembered. I think that's because I strongly resemble the author although my choice of genre/subject (with the exception of a shared obsession of Arctic/Antarctic exploration) is quite different. :)
Thoroughly enjoyed this book. Absolutely fascinating. I recommend this to any of my friends on the geeky end as it has lots of juicy technical bits. That said, don't be scared off by that as one could skim those bits and still really enjoy the historical aspects.
I love Jane Goodall but this particular book was light on science details and really aimed at a younger audience. But hey, it was a cheapie Kindle book and I did enjoy it.
Such a phenomenal wrap up to the Tiffany Aching story arc. I laugh out loud, I sniffle a bit, and get that heart overflowing feeling at the end that I only get for a really really really good book.
According to my records here, I've listened to this 4 times since 2009. It's still awesome and I think everyone should read it. It's both fascinating and I think useful although I hope to never have to utilize any of the usefulness.
I really like this series. Although it's billed as YA and it would be totally appropriate for that age range, I actually think that adults might enjoy it more due to the references tucked away in the narration (as is typical for Fforde).
This would be a great SyFy channel movie. If you want a thriller along those lines, give this a read and don't be put off by the irrelevant and shitty cover.
I really liked this. It was a neat way to look at different types of rocks and I'll be looking at old buildings in a different way now (not that I'll be able to identify anything but it will be fun to pretend that I can).
Cool concept somewhat irritating protagonist. He's kind of repetitive in his summation of his ""crappy life"" and his approach to things. Not much inner progress. Probably won't get the rest of the series in audio, maybe the library.